Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since I posted but believe me I have been busy. There are not enough hours in the day. I would like to remind you to stay positive no matter what you may be going through. Sometimes life is hard and we lose our way. But keep your eye on the prize, stay focused, don't let anything or anyone distract you from your goals. Struggle builds character and makes you a stronger person. Do you know those people who always look for others to bail them out of their situations or who constantly whine, the ones who have no sense of responsibility. These are weak individuals and they seldom can overcome a drastic situation. They fall apart or have a meltdown. This is because their whole lives they have relied on the strength of others rather than their own. It's like if you go to the gym everyday to work out your muscles grow bigger and stronger. The same applies to your mind and your inner strength. If you don't use them they become weak and are no longer able to stand much pressure. You have to be strong and fearless through life's struggles and get up when you fall down. No one ever said the road would be easy but remember God is always on your side and he will see you through. Have faith in yourself and your Heavenly Father. Remember that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord. That's all for now. Have a blessed and prosperous day and remember to always keep God first in your life.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Hello everyone, it's been a minute since I've posted. Been very busy. But I had to comment on the controversy surrounding the film Noah, which I have already seen. It is a very good movie and I'm sure you won't be disappointed. But I have heard numerous criticisms in the media about the film such as threats of a Christian boycott. Also The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain have banned the movie because it depicts a prophet, which, as Danish cartoonists will attest, isn't the peachiest of ideas in certain circles. This is all ridiculous as far as I'm concerned and only serves to take away from the true purpose of the movie. Do you ever notice how every time someone tries to do something that brings attention to God, the devil tries to stir up ignorance? I mean these same people talking negatively about the movie are the same ones who will run to see Paranormal Activity or Oculus, movies that glorify demons and demonic activity. People do not seem to appreciate the significance of getting these biblical stories out there for those who really need to see them. When Passion of the Christ came out there was a boycott as well. It truly saddens me to know that no one complains about all of the devilish movies that hit the screen but rather criticize biblical movies over their accuracy.
If you haven't seen the movie yet, I urge you to do so because it is very interesting and whether or not you agree with the details it will not disappoint you. Give the director credit for at least thinking about God or knowing enough about the Bible to have made it.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. That's all for now, have a blessed and prosperous day and always remember to put God first in your life.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Hello everyone. I just had birthday and can you believe that someone broke into my car and tried to steal it? They popped out my ignition and broke the mobilizer module. Now I have to spend $600 to get it fixed. So much for a happy birthday. I am so annoyed with people who are too lazy to work and buy their own things but prefer to steal yours. But anyway on a better note I would like to remind everyone that sometimes in life we experience unexpected hardships whether at our own fault or someone else's but we must always remember that troubles don't last always and that God does not put more on us than we can bear. So no matter what you may be going through, trust that God will see you through. Although I go through struggles sometimes I have faith that I will always prevail. I know that struggles only make me stronger as an individual. So do not allow anyone to steal your joy and do not allow other people to dictate your mood. Be the individual that you are meant to be and strive for excellence in all that you endeavor. Pray for those who use or do not appreciate you for they will reap what they sow. Thank God for each day that you live and try to be better each day than you were before. Remember there is always room for improvement. Remember to pray because prayer changes things. And if you can't change the world then change the way you see the world. As always be blessed and prosperous and most importantly always keep God first in your life.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by. As black history month comes to a close I would like to reflect on an eye witness to history. Mr. Dosh Jackson is 103 years old. What a blessed and lengthy life he has lived. Born Feb. 22, 1911, in Macon, GA, Jackson is the father of four children and has six grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Jackson has lived through the civil rights movement until the election of a black President. He has surely seen a lot in his lifetime. What is significant about your life? What have you contributed to the world in your time here on this earth? It is not how long you live but what you do with the time you live that matters. Jesus died at 33 and did much more than any of us could hope to achieve. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King died at 39 and accomplished so much in his short time here. So remember that while it is a blessing to live a long life it is more of a blessing to leave your mark on the world. Dare to make a difference. Be extraordinary and make the life that you live one that has meaning. Don't waste your days doing idle things that serve no purpose or have no value. Embark on endeavors that will create a place in history that leads people to sing your praise and that will have others remember you in the years to come. Who are you in this world? You are a child of the almighty God and he has many expectations of you. Do the impossible, live your dreams, contribute something worthwhile to the world in the time you have left. Be a blessing to someone if you can. God will reward you tenfold. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. –Ralph Waldo Emerson. As always be blessed and prosperous and always keep God first in your life.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Hello everyone, I'm perplexed that Michael Dunn was found guilty of second degree attempted murder in the killing of Jordan Davis. Three of the ten shots that Dunn fired struck Davis is his liver, aorta, and lung. Davis died so how in the hell is that attempted murder? The definition of attempted murder is when a person has the intention of murdering someone but for some reason, the victim is not killed. Whether its because they ends up surviving, or the perpetrator never got the opportunity to kill them, either way they didn't die, and that is attempted murder. If not for the seriousness of this matter it would almost be laughable. These people and (by that I mean non-blacks), in Florida are literally getting away with murder. I'ts ok to kill young black men no matter how trivial the reason I suppose. If blacks start killing whites under the same circumstances there would be multiple charges filed I'm sure. Young black men are being executed everyday and nothing is being done about it. How long will we continue to allow them to get away with this? Should we try to change the laws? Do we take matters into our own hands? What is the remedy? We have a black President but have we really come any further as a people? I think not. And after the confrontation in which Dunn claims he was defending himself because he thought he saw a gun (no gun was found in Davis' vehicle)Dunn then rather than calling the police to report the incident left the gas station and drove to his hotel, about three miles away. There, Dunn walked his dog, ordered a pizza, then drank rum and cola. As if nothing had happened. Dunn faces a lengthy sentence on all of the counts and while that is justice, he should have been found guilty of 1st degree murder as this was clearly premeditated. He deserves life with no parole. Have a blessed and prosperous day and remember to keep God first in your life.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Hello all, I was just watching the news and heard how Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King's children are in court fighting over his Bible and Noble Peace Price. It is so sad that it has come to this and I am sure that Dr. King is rolling over in his grave. His sons want possession of the items to sell and his daughter wants to keep them. I am so sorry for her. It's a shame what some people will do for money. Somethings are priceless and sentimental value is worth much more than money. These items should remain in the family as a part of his legacy. The fact that greed has allowed his sons to try to profit from this is scandalous. Some people have no shame. They should respect their father's memory and cherish what was notably two of his most prized possessions. The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil, well this is a prime example. I hope that the judge does not allow these items to be sold. I'm sure that his sons are not hurting for money. Always remember that pride, respect, honor, loyalty, and dignity are worth more than silver and gold. Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? These items should be passed on to his grandchildren and great grandchildren some day. So often people get caught up with money but when the money is spent what will you have left? Never sell yourself short nor be a sellout because in the end you will get short changed. As always have a blessed and prosperous day and remember to always keep God first in your life.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Hello everyone, I had to laugh today when I heard about the school in California that decided that they would change their menu to feature fried chicken, cornbread, and watermelon for black history month. They said that since the term soul food was derived from the idea of the slaves eating their master's scraps to nourish their souls, that they would celebrate the idea. How ignorant and racist is that? I guess they forgot to add collard greens and chitterlings. Some people are so ridiculous. What do you think about this? Racism is still as prominent as ever and sadly some people will never change. I feel sorry for the black students who are being subjected to this foolishness. This month let us remember those both blacks and whites who gave their lives for civil rights and who fought for all of us to be treated as equals. Let's also remember Emmett Till, Trayvon Martin who was gunned down for being black in the wrong place also Shawn Bell, and Oscar Grant, James Byrd who was drug to death in Jasper Texas and many others who were killed because of color of their skin. Remember the whites who also perished in the name of equality such as Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodmen. Let us pause for a moment to reflect on the memory of these fallen victims. Consider what if anything you can do to make a change. I will leave you with these words of wisdom from Charles Schwab: A man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away." The person you have to account to is you. You should never try to mold yourself to meet anyone else's desires, or views. Attempting to please everyone in your life will only cause internal conflict, a sure formula for failure. As well, you may easily find yourself working on their dreams and not your own. As you work to achieve your goals, some people will criticize you. Their criticism, however, may be no more than jealousy. You may well find that even members of your own family will question your intentions or try and dissuade you from continuing on. This also applies to friends that may be more envious than supportive. It is difficult to accept their criticism and the long and short of it is this: do not let anyone stop you, influence you, or degrade your vision a new life, career, or education. Don't let someone else's opinions stop you. Rather than focusing your energy on trying to become what other people want, decide on who you want to become. Only you can live your life - you do not live someone else's life, so why should someone attempt to make you do so? And, you do not advance your desires if you constantly focus on what you see other people have including those big fancy houses, or those high paying jobs. And, what you see on TV or in the movies about celebrity mansions doesn't translate into action for you to advance your own strategy. The real problem is to focus your energy where it counts. That specific energy should not be wasted on daydreaming or wishing that your wants will somehow appear out of the blue. It is also far too easy to find excuses to do something else with your available time especially when you run into a rough patch, or, using your available time to do household chores that can wait or are not critical. If you have a partner or spouse, you desperately need them to buy into your need to use the majority of your time to keep your momentum going towards the accomplishment of your own dream. And, this is not the time to give away your energy and time to extraneous demands made on you by friends and relatives. It is really easy to give in to others who do not help advance your goals. It is not that you are being stingy or selfish; you are being focused on the real necessity of going forward because not to makes it much too easy to quit altogether. In the process of achieving what you want, there are sacrifices you will have to make. I know this will not sit well with your desire to enjoy those relaxing times you have had in the past, or those trips, or those evenings in front of the TV watching a fantastic movie but sacrifice now will pay huge dividends in the future. After all, you are working for the future satisfaction of accomplishing a very important goal but you must be aware that a lot of people quit far too early into their action plan because they see other things to do that are enjoyable right now.
You don't choose the day you enter the world and you don't chose the day you leave. It's what you do in between that makes all the difference." Anita Septimus. As always have a blessed and prosperous day and always keep God first in your life.
Hello everyone, today I would like to address the issue of capital punishment. Do you believe in the death penalty? If so why? Did you know that most of the people on death row are poor people and minorities? I disagree with the death penalty because I feel that it is a contradiction for the states to kill someone for committing murder. We do not have the right to decide who gets to live or die. Also did you know that from 1978-2009 there where over 208 inmates exonerated from death row due to DNA. That being said, we have to think about those who were wrongfully executed before DNA was able to prove their innocence or cases where there was no DNA left at the scene. The government will tell you that capital punishment is a crime deterrent. However, this is false because most of the states with the death penalty have the highest murder rates. The criminal justice system is racially biased. In a majority of the death penalty cases blacks and other minorities are on death row for killing white victims. However, you will seldom find cases where whites are on death row for killing a minority. Also there is evidence of prosecution misconduct in many cases. Eye witness testimony which is the determining factor in most death penalty cases, such as the infamous Troy Davis case, are 75% inaccurate. This means that inevitably innocent people are being lead to their deaths. The methods of execution also violate the constitution, the 8th Amendment which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Further, it cost more to house an inmate on death row than it does for a life sentence. Now you may ask how is this possible? Well first of all it cost the state roughly over $650,000 dollars to try a death penalty case. California alone has $925 million in Automatic Appeals and State Habeas Corpus Petitions as of 2012(Death Penalty Information Center, 2014). The numerous appeals granted to death row inmates is costly. Also inmates on death row are not executed directly after sentencing and often linger on death row for at least 10-20 years awaiting execution. Now ask yourself in 20 years will you still be the same person you are today? Are you the same person today that you were 10 or 20 years ago? At the risk of innocent people being executed, the racial bias within the system, along with the fact that it is morally wrong the death penalty should be abolished. Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic whether you agree or disagree with me. Also post a comment if you have a topic that you would like for me to discuss. As always have a blessed and prosperous day and remember to keep God first in your life.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by. Today I want to talk about fear. Something we all must face. The things we fear often hold us back, allow us to make excuses, and allow us to become disinterested in changing. Fear can put a barrier between you and the person you have the potential to be. Are you afraid to fail? Afraid to lose? Afraid people will laugh at you? If you answered yes to any of these I urge you to reconsider. Failure is a part of life. Remember that old saying "If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Failure is just an obstacle standing in the way of success. Break through it and carry on. Don't allow naysayers to prevent you from achieving your dreams. They would love to see you fail so that they can say "I told you so." The best revenge is success. People who hate on you love to see you doing bad but hate it when you are doing good, so make them sick with envy. You are an awesome child of God and he will always bring you through, all you have to do is ask. Have faith in yourself and know that you can achieve all things through Christ who strengthens you. Take five or ten minutes out of your day to talk to God, he would love to hear from you. Remember you are too blessed to be stressed. Be blessed and prosperous and above all remember to keep God first in your life!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Hello everyone thanks for visiting my page. I have been contemplating ways of making myself financially independent. I plan to open an online store soon. Sometimes we spend more time worrying about others or complaining about what we don't have than being appreciative of what we do have. If you focus on how to make your situation better eventually it will improve. Don't waste precious time thinking about what others have or complaining because this will never enhance your quality of life. Think of ways to make more money or how to help someone else. Let loved ones know that you appreciate and truly care for them. Remember it is more important to diffuse an argument than to win one. Sometimes the ones we love the most are the ones we treat the worst. A kind word goes a long way. Life is too short and we are here only for a moment so make the most of your time. Have you ever looked at someone's tombstone? You see the year they were born, a dash, then the year that they died. That little dash in between is all that we are here for. So live your dash because this life will be over before you know it. Thank God for your blessings and give love every chance that you can, it won't cost you a thing. Dare to be different. Remember that you were made to stand out and not born to fit in. Have a blessed and prosperous day and remember to always keep God first in your life.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Hello everyone! I hope that the new year is finding you in good cheer. Sometimes the worries and stresses of life make us forget the good things. But remember that every dark cloud has a silver lining. Strive for success in all that you do and reach for your goals no matter the obstacles in your way. Our thoughts become manifestations of our hopes and dreams. The Bible tells us that whatsoever a man thinketh,that so he is. If you believe you will fail then you will but if you believe you will succeed you will. Have faith in yourself and think positive. Remember the law of attraction tells us that we draw things to ourselves through the power of thought. If you want successful outcomes in life then surround yourself with positive energy and good things will come. Remember Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can ever be against us? I will leave you with the poem entitled Invictus for the day: Invictus (means undefeated)
Out of the night that covers me
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
Have a blessed day and always keep God first in your life
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Did you make a New Year's resolution? Are you sticking to it or have you begun to backslide already? Whether it's saying you will stop smoking, drinking, doing drugs, overeating, cheating ect. The list of what we need to fix is endless. How many times have we said that we would do things differently after the new year? That we will not go into another year with the same old crap? But before you realize it you have reverted back to your old habits. Just remember that old saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. There are some things that you must simply let go. LET IT GO!!! If you've got baggage that's holding you back or bringing you down, making you depressed, stressing you, making you cry, or leaving you feeling emotionally drained just let it go. Whether it's a relationship, friendship, or job, if the situation is causing you drama or stress stop holding on to it. God has something better in store for you so you don't have to settle. Get rid of what you don't need and find what you want. Life is too short to waste your time on things that bring you grief. Those negative people who criticize your hopes and dreams, the ones that always have something negative to say, the ones who always want something from you but never have anything to give kiss them good bye. Make worry a thing of the past. Remember there are two types of people worriers and warriors. The worrier has no faith so they are consumed with fear. But the warrior has faith so the have no fear because fear and faith can not dwell in the same space. A worrier will worry themselves to death over things that may never happen, while the warrior prepares for battle. The warrior knows that if God brought you to it he'll bring you through it. Remember you can never move ahead if you keep looking back. If you don't like an aspect of your life then by all means change it. Above all things keep God first. Shoot for the moon so even if you miss you'll be among the stars.
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